Restaurant, hotel, sauna & conference

Book your meetings, your stays and enjoy the restaurant's food and vibe

The hotel is located right in the heart of Närpes, hence the house is called "Mitt i Stan"  - swedish for "Center of City".

Red & Green offers both sauna and conference rooms of high quality. The modern house also includes an art gallery and a cuture hall - which is used a few times a week as a cinema for Biobio Showtime. Here in the city center everything is just around the corner. Welcome to take part of our hotel and the center of Närpes.



link to gallery


Here you can read about the latest happenings in our hotel

Since our hotel is living in symbiosis with the culture house of Närpes, there are often different types of cultural happenings in the building. Both cinema, music events and an art gallery can be found in the house.

Go to the webpage of the culture house to check out the upcoming events in the building: 


Best burger in town
Kom in på en härlig Burgermåltid
Alla Fredagar nya smaker!
After Work Närpes
All Fridays

What is being served?

Lunch time in the restaurant all week days 11.00-14.00

Each weekday new fresh lunches are served in the restaurant's buffet. Guests have the opportunity to enjoy breakfast at the hotel, while the evening offers everything in the restaurant menu.

Lunch buffet 12,70€/person

Måndag 22.7

Helstekt grisfilé med baconsås och husets klyftpotatis ( G, L)

Krämig broilerpasta (L)

Rostade grönsaker (G, L)

Fruktkvarg (G, L)

Tisdag 23.7

Hemgjorda Italienska nötfärsbiffar med kryddig tomatsås och potatismos( G, L)

Curry kyckling med ananas och ris( G, L)

Grönsaksbiffar med tsatsiki (G, L)

Banan & Toffe kaka (L)

Onsdag 24.7

Ungslax med smetana & citronsås och dill-pariserpotatis (G, L)

Stroganoff på grisfilé med kokt ris (G ,L)

Grönsaksgratäng ( G, L)

Toscapäron med vaniljvisp (G, L)

Torsdag 25.7

Ungsgratinerad korv med gräddsås och kokt potatis ( G, L)

Nötlever med löksås, rårörda lingon och potatismos (G, L)

Traditionell ärtsoppa med hackad gul lök och senap ( G, L)

Plättar med sylt och vispgrädde ( L)

Fredag 26.7

Långkokt nöbringa med grönpepparsås och potatisgratäng (G, L)

Panerad kalkon med kokos-currymajonäs och pommes frites( L)

Vegetarisk Musaka (G, L)

Glassbuffé ( G, L)

Our hotel rooms

When you stay longer

We have 30 highly equipped hotel rooms, 27 double rooms and one single room.
The suites includes a livingroom, a bedroom and a sauna. All hotel rooms have a hair dryer, an electric kettle and an iron.

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Fredagskassen 26.7 - beställ senast på torsdag! Tomatsoppa Wienerschnitzel med potatismos Fruktsallad med vispgrädde maila till:
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After Work alla fredagar 16-18 hos oss på❤ Julimånads AW - En härlig Räkmacka med dryck inkluderat 17 €! Läs mera på
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Made by @annaadahlin aren't they lovely?
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Mocktails to go
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Tomatkarneval 2024